Eventful Week - Work really got underway on Trellis. Added a couple signs.
Rerouted and repaired water lines
Repaired inside cages
Contractor worked on a new roof for chicken coop area
Random Photos: Cat Update...Mom and 3 babies doing fine. Momma cat very nice.
9 baby chicks were doing ok. We lost one chicken the night of 3/12. It appears it was crushed by the goats while sleeping. The goats have no physical awareness, they step on the chickens and apparently will sleep on them too.
On Wednesday 3-13 we experienced a hawk attack. During 4th other 5th period a hawk swooped down at the chicken flock. It did not get any of the chickens, but boy did it excite the chickens. They all ran into the chicken coop and continued to chatter.
Two of our babies that were purchased and or born on 1/24/19.