Thursday, February 27, 2020

Installing Bird Netting

This week we began the installation of bird netting on the center main raised garden. After just two days there are two tears in the netting from the chickens getting entangled in it. On Thursday of the week we decided to goin a different direction, we are installing 6mm clear plastic in an effort to keep the birds out.

Monday, February 24, 2020

W5 Feb 24-28

Week 5 Activities

Monday: Clean and prep for Cabrillo Visit
Tuesday: Cabrillo Elem. Visit
Wednesday: Cont. Work on Center raised garden. Bird netting. To date we have netting on one side plus the top. With that said we have two tears in the netting from the birds getting stuck. May need to get thicker netting.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

This Week Out on the Farm W4 Feb 17 - 21

This week we are staying active working on the north raised garden planters. We installed a 3/4" PVC irrigation line and will be placing control valves at each planter.

Students cont. to weed the garden in preparation of planting next week.

Begin installing bird netting around the center raised planter.

Cont. collection of eggs.  We are currently collecting around 10 eggs per day.

We had 8 eggs hatch last week approx. Feb 14th. Four of the eggs that hatched were from blue eggs and four were from dark brown eggs.  Two of the blue were from the Lavender pair of chickens we have.

Really, How Cool are These!

How Cool are These!

Our Long Term Sub Mrs. Cazarez printed these up in honor of our Garden. How cool are these!  She captured the essence of the farm! Felicia & the polish rooster 'Rockstar'

Friday, February 14, 2020

Tomato Trellis Completed!

This week the students completed the construction of the Tomato Trelli in the center raised garden.  The trellis was made out of 2x4's and 2x6's and two 1" dia. pipes run parallel to the raised center garden.

Valentine's Day on the Farm

So I say to the student, " Get photos of all of the work taking place on the farm, specifically, get the guys working on the tomato trellis, the new chicken cages, the compost pile, the raking of the farm area. This is all I got. Maybe next Tuesday we will have some photos to show.

I am happy to report that we finished the tomato trellis located in the center raised garden area This was supposed to be part of the grant work last year but was denied for whatever reason. Probably because the company that did the work was incompetent.  The students ran 1" dia. pipe through holes they drilled in the 2x4 cross pieces.

Monday, February 10, 2020

W3 Feb 10-14

This week on the farm.

Cont. compost temp recording. Cover compost. Tarp left off hoping to catch rainfall that never really happened.
Continue work on tomato trellis. Finish the 2x6 trellis.
Repair the siding on the East side of the raised center planter.
Fill the center planter with compost
Pull weeks in the grapevine area and in the strawberry patch.
Repair irrigation line  on the pumpkin area
Add a border around the lettuce patch. This is the area to the south of the raised center garden.
Border to consist of one 2 x 6.
Add irrigation control valves to raised planters along the north fence. Six valves needed.

Items to purchase

Clear Visqueen/ six 3/4 valves

Compost Turned

Early in the week, I asked Mrs. Boswell to submit a work order for our maintenance to flip the compost pile at least once a week.  It has been a few weeks since the crews have been around and flipped the compost pile.  The pile did get flipped on Friday, Feb 7 or early Saturday, Feb 8.   I did stop by the farm on Saturday and recorded a temp on the pile at 110 degrees, the lowest it has been for over a month. On Sundays check the temp had worked its way back up to 132 degrees. I did not cover the pile anticipating some rain later in the day.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Raised Garden Work

Students working on a trellis for center raised garden area!

Period 1 students completed the repair to the center raised garden. Period 7 and Period 1 students are adding a trellis-like structure over the raised garden to help support tomato plants.  Also, we were able to use some of the soil from the very first compost pile we began back in October!

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Jan Chicks move out to the farm!

We bring the Jan 2020 chicks out to their new home in the coop. The students completed the installation of two new holding cages each 7' x 4'. And some finishing touches to the cages!