Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Some photos of our new baby chicks

Master Gardener

Met with Master Gardener Margaret O Neil from Inland Valley!

We have six new chickens

Yesterday was the last day for visitors to visit the LaVerne Heritage Park Fall Festival activities. I received a call from them asking if I would come and take some of their chickens. I picked up three  Black Australorp pullets or Silver Laced Wyandotte  pullets and three Buff Orpington Pullets.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Our Chicken Family.....

Momma Brahma

Her babies....Soon, I fear to be roosters....

Our Ameracauna 

And at the moment unidentified breed (possibly an Austra White)

Our Leghorns, first the two whites....

and our speckled one....

and there is George our Silkie!

and now the chicks....

Rhode Island Reds

and the other chicks.....don't know the breed yet....(thinking barred rock)


Monday, October 15, 2018